The following is from the man, the myth, the legend…Tommy
Why not have fun at work!?! (We’re here for the long-haul)
Have fun and laugh a lot and you’ll live longer. That’s the findings from a study published in Psychosomatic Medicine. Scientific American reports that women with a strong sense of humor were found to live longer in spite of illness and men seemed to be protected best against infection. Understanding this concept, we at Top Choice Lawn Care are fun! And, “darn it!”, people like us too (we hope).
Some Office Shenanigans:
As leaders in our industry we have tested and experimented with cutting edge lawn robots (no-pun intended). They are interesting and probably have a place in the longterm future of the industry, but as of yet they cannot come close to the quality of a crew of Top Choice professionals. Real people still have an edge over the robots. But, the robot was fantastically entertaining for a new game we created – Robo Death Match. We each placed a bottle of water around our lawn and the last bottle standing after the robot mower made it’s rounds wins! Very fun and definitely didn’t involve any betting (wagers may have been involved, but no betting or gambling).
Conspiracy Bingo
There’s one guy in our office who is always talking about “conspiracies” in the news. We’re working on Bingo cards where the boxes are filled with different conspiracy related words and as he randomly blurts out new flashes someone will end up with a BINGO!
Scary Elf on the Shelf

This conspiracy loving member of the team is also the guy who visited family in California for Thanksgiving and his sister hid a strange elf in his carry on and it was found, to his surprise, during a security check in front of all the Holiday travelers. THIS ELF IS TERRIFYING and naturally became part of the office fun.
He appeared from behind computer screens, jumped out at others as they entered the front door (we used a string to swing him at people as they entered the office). And, it even appeared from behind shut mini-blinds traumatizing our early morning scheduling manager. He opened the blinds one early morning and I hear the scream was legendary. He had a great sense of humor and will live a long time!
There was one person in the office who somehow avoided the wrath of the elf… until the very last moment. I’m not sure how the elf pulled it off but during the gift opening party at the office he shows up inside the gift. Definitely helped develop her sense of humor and she too will live longer now. Fun is not only fun – it’s healthy too!
So that’s what we did for the holidays and now it’s “Get Ready For Spring” time. If we can help with anything in the yard please let us know.