Nolan Gore

The Top Choice Austin Landscaping Blog

Sycamore Trees in Central Texas

By Nolan Gore / February 20, 2023

Sycamore trees are a common sight in central Texas, where they can be found growing in yards and native areas. The warm climate of the region makes it an ideal habitat for these majestic trees, which can reach heights of up to 100 feet. Sycamores (Platanus occidentalis) are also known as the American planetree, occidental…

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Arborgeddon Ice Damage Update

By Nolan Gore / February 13, 2023

After this month’s ice damage, we’re getting a lot of questions. How will “Arborgeddon” continue to affect Austin’s trees and landscapes into the future? What do you need to think about now? Is oak trimming still ok? Will my trees survive the ice damage? Will the debris stacked on my grass damage the turf? What…

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Why do plants go dormant? When do plants come out of dormancy in Central Texas?

By Nolan Gore / February 7, 2023

Especially after the latest ice storm, you have probably noticed that many of your plants have gone dormant. Will they ever come back? When do plants come out of dormancy in Central Texas? Let’s discuss the reasons behind plant dormancy and what you can expect during this period. Why do plants go dormant in Central…

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Mother Nature – Some Thoughts

By Nolan Gore / February 2, 2023

One summer I worked in downtown Houston. It was common for people to wake up in their air-conditioned house, go into their air-conditioned garage, get in their air-conditioned cars, drive downtown to a parking garage, get out of their cars and walk through the underground tunnels (yes – they are real and, yes – they…

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