
The Top Choice Austin Landscaping Blog

What to know about xeriscaping

By Nolan Gore / August 27, 2024

What is it? Why would you xeriscape part/all of your yard? What are the best plants for xeriscaping in Central Texas? What are common mistakes and misconceptions What are some common landscaping materials used in xeriscaping? What are several areas I should consider xeriscaping in my yard? What should I consider with xeriscaping? Some of our…

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Top 10 Plants for Xeriscaping in Central Texas

By Nolan Gore / August 27, 2024

1. Texas Sage (Leucophyllum frutescens) Type: ShrubSun Requirements: Full sunWatering Requirements: Drought-tolerant once established; requires minimal wateringMature Size: Typically reaches a height of 3-8 feet with a similar spread Fun Facts: 2. Red Yucca (Hesperaloe parviflora) Type: PerennialSun Requirements: Full sunWatering Requirements: Highly drought-tolerant; minimal watering once establishedMature Size: Typically grows to a height of 2-3 feet with a…

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Our Top Evergreen Shrubs for Texas Lawns

By The Top Choice Team / April 5, 2024

Spring has sprung, and green is starting to show everywhere! But what if your landscape could stay green year-round? We’re lucky that many evergreen shrubs thrive in Texas lawns, and spring is the perfect time to add a few to your beds. Choosing evergreen shrubs in Texas involves a few factors, like heat tolerance, drought…

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Austin Waterwise and Landscaping Rebates from Austin Water

By The Top Choice Team / February 26, 2024

You may already know about Austin Waterwise and how Austin Water provides up to $1000 in rebates for water-saving irrigation upgrades, but did you know that they reward landscaping services as well? Take a look and see if you can save some water (and some cash!) with Austin Water’s rebate programs (updated for 2024). “Landscape…

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Rocks vs Mulch (The Ultimate Landscaping Showdown)

By The Top Choice Team / November 20, 2023

If you’re knee-deep in the landscaping game, you’ve likely pondered the age-old question: rocks vs mulch? Choosing between these two heavyweights can make a big difference in the aesthetics and health of your beds. We’re here to break down the pros and cons of rocks vs mulch — tailored just for our unique Austin climate.…

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Check Out this Austin Backyard Makeover

By The Top Choice Team / November 14, 2023

With a growing family of six, Bob Smith (a very fake client with a very real house) moved into a new home earlier this year. Things have been working out great, but the backyard left a little something to be desired. With little to no shade, grass, or landscaping, it was a dust bowl in…

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Top 10 Drought-Tolerant Plants for Gardening in Austin

By Allison / October 2, 2023

Gardening in Austin can be a challenge for even the greenest of thumbs. In 2023 alone, our plants experienced a terrible winter ice storm followed by a record-breaking summer with unrelenting heat and drought. A lot of lawns and beds are not looking so good right now. Even plants supposedly rated for “hardiness zone” didn’t…

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The Shaded Retreat: Designing a Lush and Low-Maintenance Shade Garden in Austin

By Nolan Gore / April 13, 2023

As a residential landscape company in Austin, Texas, we understand that not all garden spaces receive direct sunlight throughout the day. Whether you have towering trees or a north-facing yard, creating a lush and low-maintenance shade garden is achievable with the right approach. In this post, we’ll share our top secrets to designing an attractive…

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